Sunday, June 13, 2010

Enriching d select few and burdening the RAKYAT

Motorists has expressed outrage at the new ruling on the car registration plates. The new plates would have an aluminium coated face and would have smaller dimensions. It is okay if this new rule is for new cars or for car owners who wished to change to the new format. However, exisiting car owners some of whom have just spent $35-60 for plates are upset that they have to spend more money again to have their plates replaced. Some questions raised were 

1. Why only two companies are permitted to do this? Shouldn't any company who wished to do this business be allowed to do so?
2. Why can't car already registered be allowed to keep the old format? This format has no problem for decades.
3. What is the reason behind changing to a new format?

LTD Urges Motorists To Abide By Regulation
 Written by Azlan Othman Saturday, 22 May 2010 08:21

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Land Transport Department will enforce the Vehicle Registration Plate 'Identification Marks' 2008 Act and Regulation under the Road Traffic Act, Chapter 68.

The Act is enforced this month (May) but the old vehicle registration plates can still be used till the end of 2010. The newplates have small letters and numbers while their surface is embossed using materials made from aluminium.

To ensure that the measurements are in line with the Act and Regulation, the department has appointed two local companies as suppliers and manufacturers of the new vehicle registration plates.

They are Syarikat Bayu Ilham Motor Sdn Bhd located at No 6, Spg 80-45, Jln Gadong, Kg Pengkalan Gadong and Hock Motor Company located at at No 19, Spg 21, Km 3, Jln Gadong.

LTD will keep the public informed of any new companies appointed as suppliers. Effective 2011, enforcement officers from LTD and the Royal Brunei Police Force will take action against owners of vehicles that fail to abide by the regulation.

The fine for non-compliance is not more than $1,000 for the first offence and not more than $2,000 for the second offence or imprisonment of not more than three months. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Can someone please post full particulars of the 'Act and Regulation' so that we may better understand and appreciate it.

One thing I do not understand is why make this particular law retroactive. And why the need to appoint specific dealers or manufacturers, and only two at that?!?

LTD may set the standard, but it should be left to the consumers to comply with specific parameters, as have been practised throughout the years as with our current number plates.

Or, is this LTD's idea of encouraging and promoting new SME's by so generously giving a huge windfall of changing the whole nation's vehicle registration plates to only these two firms?

Let's see what happens over the coming days on what this senseless implementation results in.

Just a few days ago, we saw Customs imposing new unreasonable conditions in imported goods in another thread. Now we have the LTD making two companies very rich potentially...

Brunei Yakin!
This reminds me of the scandals in Malaysia with the AP permits given to certain connected people. These AP's were as good as cash. Now these 2 companies stands to make a lot of money from the plates and at the same gives the public a headache due to the long queue and not to forget the money. One would be suspicious enough on what is going on here. ACB might want to look into this.

It was not too long ago that LTD wanted to changed the law on commercial vehicles to shorten its life. That would only benefit the car dealers and not the general public.
LTD also introduced their e-govt system which instead of speeding the process would slow processes down.
Imagine there are about 200,000 cars out there and the new plates cost about $30 a set. That'd mean $6m of potential revenue to be shared between the two very lucky companies. This is just from the existing cars. There will be more from new cars. All these are guaranteed revenues.

I do hope our ACB would look into this peculiar arrangement which is UNFAIR to other companies and also to public at large (due to the inconveniences that it causes).

What is so difficult to appoint some more vendors? If they can do the arrangement with 2 vendors I don't see any problem if they extend it to others as well.  I believe the others would be willing to accomodate and comply as long as the instructions are clear.
Yes, they should give to more vendors. On top of that, they should NOT make the current plates already installed  illegal. It should be phased out. Only new cars need to use the new format.
welcome to our COUGH IT UP campaign.
The only reason i can see why they did this is to ensure standards are kept. Otherwise you will have various style license plates like we have now, but they dont know which dealers to blame.

But then if their regulations and criteria is clear and understood, i dont see any problem to open it up to any dealers to install the new license plates. The advantage of opening it up is that market price will go down due to competition and faster turnaround.

Maybe they have not thought it out thoroughly.
Just because the LTD has set new standards for registration plates, why should the policy be retroactive?

Why not phase out the current plates as suggested by some? As and when our vehicle come of age and are due for physical inspections, then we install the new plates. That way, there is no need for all of us to incur unnecessary expense just because of a new ruling.

Fyi, the new plates cost $38.00 and these two appointed exclusive dealers are out of stock.
NO WASTAGE.. isn't this what we are aiming?!

anyone out there thinks the license plate is RECYCLE-ABLE?!

forgotten about GO GREEN so quickly?!
Ensure what standards are kept? We had standards of various approved format. That has worked well for us for decades!!! So why the sudden change? and what was wrong with the old approved formats?
Actually, I think the old size are more visible from afar. I.e. better for the police

You're raising a  very good point there. Yeah, what should we all do with our exisitng car plates after we replaced them huh? It'll be a huge waste as there are hundreds of thousands of them.

Maybe what we should do is to dump the plates at a symbol of our "appreciation" for out-of-no-where-change and-can't-seem-to-see-the-whole-point-why-the-plates-needed-to-be-changed... 

What? The "standards" can only be achieved by appointing 2 shops only kah? If 10, 40, 50 cannot kah?

If that's the position of LTD, that must be a very lame excuse and outrightly insulting to other shops who're also in the business for a long time. What do these 2 companies possibly possess that others  don't? What is so special about them that others had to be left out counting their losses (on existing stocks, equipment, labour and future business)? What level of quality and compliance do these companies have that others cannot match? 

I think this is one of the worst decisions ever made.......   
1. We have been hearing this all over again, There are also only two(2) companies awarded a license to import second hand cars, Bayu Ilham is one of them and Bengkel Kereta Berakas  is the other. Now we have Hock Motor and Bayu Ilham to do the car registration plate. There must be something fishy going on here. Common ACB there is a case for you there if you dare enough. 

The coffee shop talk was that the Bengkel Kereta Berakas and Bayu Ilham would sell BND$2,000 for each import car permit. MIPR and LTD provide them with the license and in turn they would sell them to who ever could afford it. They get the money for not doing anything. What I heard was that there were a few companies who are very serious of doing these business and are applying for the license unfortunately they were turned down by the MIPR.       

I would like to hear from MIPR and LTD on this issue.

2. We are a democratic country as what had been proclaim. I guessed in that contact the rakyat should have every right to be involved not only in the discussion but the decision making process in any government undertakings that would have affected their livelihood. As far as I could remember or aware of, in all cases, the Government would never involved the participation of the rakyat in any of their undertakings even that have bearing on their livelihood. So the Government attitude is simple, you take it or leave it. You do not have a say.  This is our Brunei style of democracy.

Baffled by licence plate law

LTD has made it a requirement for all registered cars to switch to new license plates, with smaller font. Frankly, I do not see the need for replacing the car plates.

All the while we have been using these large number plates, and the large font is better as it can be seen from far.

Replacing the number plates will not benefit the general public.

It will cost around B$35 for each car, and on average Bruneian families have two cars, so the average will be B$70 for each family.

What is the purpose of spending money to replace the existing plates, which are still fit for use?

As I see it, this replacement will only benefit those companies authorised to make the license plates.

Therefore, I suggest that new license plates be required for only the new cars with longer registration numbers (BAA#### etc).

Other cars should be given the option of keeping the old licence plates or switching to the new plates.

- Vroom Vroom
 LTD must also consider other road safety issues

The enforcement of the Vehicle Registration Plate 'Identification Marks' 2008 Act and Regulation taught me one thing, that the shape and size of our car licence plate is of pivotal importance and probably has a great influence on the speed and the way we drive.

So much so that the authorities have had a 'brilliant' idea of enforcing a standard size and dimension for it and at the same time to spice it up, slap in huge fines for those who do not conform to it.

Sorry to say, such a move is a bit disheartening. After complaints and complaints made public on noisy cars and motorcycles, 'smoking' vehicles, the inconsiderate 'boy racers', the confusion of vehicle modifications and not forgetting those super bright HID lights which blind most of us drivers at night, the respective authority finally has come bearing down on us, and decided that the size of the vehicle license plates is more important than all that is mentioned above.

Where is prioritisation in this matter?

What are the reasons for this? Why is it so important that a special law has to be brought in for this?

I am not the only one questioning this. I'm sure others share the same query. I did try asking but got fed up with all the weird explanations and stories.

Can anyone from the department enlighten me on the reasons?

The public is also asking, why not renew or revamp the laws governing car modifications to make it more applicable with current period?

Or even stricter laws to curb accidents which we see every day. But no, they have decided that a licence plate is even more important.

And even worse, appoint just two companies to make these plates.

Two companies to do the licence plates of 200,000 plus vehicles on the road.

Pure Genius I say!

Those in KB and Temburong will have to come down to BSB and if they are lucky to beat the growing queue, come back four days later to pick up these super important plates.

And at the same time, what you have done has cut off the other smaller entrepreneurs who have been making a living from making vehicle license plates.

Again, a standing ovation for that I must say.

So please Land Transport Department, do consider other major issues that are affecting our road safety.

Straighten out the priority areas and not trivial issues.

- Anwar, Beribi
Let us all wait and see what LTD got to say to the two "Opinion Letters" (as quoted above)?
I have just weighed one of my old plastic number plates. A single plate with two letters and four digits weighs around 200 gm.

How many cars do we have registered in LTD? If we estimate that a set of two plates weigh 400 gms and multiply by the number of already registered cars, what do we get?...

You have a point there. The among of discarded licence plates due to this new law would amount to a substantial amount of non-biodegradable plastic waste that would probably end up in Sungai Akar. Perhaps environmental considerations should be given when setting up laws.
and we still go ahead with this law?! whatever inspired our tiny GREAT mind.. 
Just imagine that such a $175,000 prized vehicle is truly on offer to anyone who, without being told by anyone and is also not among the ones who made the decisions regarding the new-plates-rule, can come up with the correct answer and thus win a GT-R.

The fact is, no one will except the writer who has figured it out out of being investigatively skilled.

If that is considered as a show of talent or ability from anyone among the public, the result is abject failure on the part of the public.

Well?  Anyone?  Just post your answer.!

Why force people for new plate?

Saturday, May 29, 2010
DEAR Editor,

I am really concerned by this new resizing of vehicle licence plates and I can see I'm not alone, what with the sheer numbers of letters and comments in the media. Fine, the Land Transport Department wants to resize our license plates and standardise this, but why does it have to be applied immediately to everyone?

Has the government not heard of 'phasing out'? Begin this by a complete halt of production of old size plates, ensuring all new cars registered have the new sized ones. The old plates will then be phased out as cars are written off or when plates have to be changed. The numbers are getting smaller, not bigger, so it isn't a case of not able to read the plates.

This regulation where 300,000 cars have seven months to get new plates is ridiculous. Has the Ministry of Communications thought about the environmental impact of this?

Where will these 300,000 pairs of licence plates end up? In a landfill or will it be recycled?

Have they also bothered to think about the people that simply cannot afford to spend money on getting new license plates?

This new regulation is FORCING people to spend money and I think that is unlawful. When the new driving license comes out are we going to be FORCED to change and pay for that too when our licenses are still valid?

Avid Driver

 If this writer is right, in that we have 300,000 vehicles already registered and still active on the roads, we have one HUGE and SERIOUS problem!!!

Assuming that the average weight of a set of two number plates per vehicle at 400 grams, then 300,000 vehicles will make 120,000 kilograms of 'old' plates...

That means 120 tons of potential garbage (made of plastic or whatever materials the 'old' plates were made from) that is toxic to the environment to dispose of!!!

Will JASTRE please stand up and tell the public what will be done to ensure the safe disposal of this particular garbage?

Or like someone suggested in one of the blogsites, can we leave all these to be discarded plates at the Land Transport Department's doorsteps?!?

I am very sure ALL of us are very "YAKIN" at the sensibility and ability of our various gomen departments to think things through and actually come up with good policies and demand "CERTIFICATION" on public compliance to gomen directives...

We had to comply by producing - 

1)  "Certificate" of origin...
2)  "Certificate" of halalness...
3)  "Certificate" of conformity in plate sizes...
If there are 300,000 cars out there, how many pairs of licence plates will need to be made and installed PER DAY so that by January 2011 all cars would have the new ones????????

Answer: 1428 pairs

Is this possible???

From what I read in the Media Permata yesterday, one of the 2 appointed shops say that they can make and install one pair in 30 MINUTES. 

So, 1 hours would be 2 pairs. If they work 10 hours per day they would be able to do 20 pairs. Assuming they have 10 staff doing it concurrently, they would be able to do 200 pairs per day. If the other shop also have similar capacity, they both can only do 400 pairs per day. So what about the other 1028 pairs????

One wonders how LTD came up with Jan 2011 dateline????
I also read that LTD would add more 5 vendors and may extend the dateline.

So can 7 shops do 1428 pairs per day? 
Here goes, some people with power dictating the people to pay for some "not urgent" stuff to make 2 parties a million dollars a month.

This sounds familiar and similar modus operandi in the "burning of money" in fireworks, but it has been approved in bigger scale than malaysian or singapore could allow.

The "burning of money" our religious leaders cannot analyse the bad effects, but only focussed on cigarettes smoking bad effects.

Now, the printing of easy money by sacrificing the blood sweat and tears of the rakyat.

Please new leaders, don't let the rakyat get a chance to say their prayers for the "ZALIMS"

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