Sunday, April 5, 2009

Who were lying about Limbang?

Amde Sidik, Kadayan Journal

Malaysians living in Borneo, the Borneons are familiar and know better about the sentiment of our neighbours than anyone else from outside the Island

I’m just as concerned as any other citizens about the authenticity of claim made by our Malaysian politicians which appeared in all mainstream Malaysian media on 17 March 2009 which said, Brunei has dropped its claimed over Limbang.

The Brunei media likewise, dismissed the claim the following day-see below:

Brunei Denies Limbang Story

By Azlan Othman

Bandar Seri Begawan - YB Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Dewa Dato Seri Setia Awg Lim Jock Seng, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade II, yesterday said claims on Limbang were never discussed during Monday’s deliberations between Brunei and Malaysia. (…)

Local media not privy to Limbang spat

By MK Anwar

The issue about Brunei dropping its territorial claim on Limbang has caused a stir among members of the public as questions are being asked over the veracity about this claim.

Malaysian media have widely reported Prime Minister Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as saying that Brunei has dropped its claim on Limbang.

This statement was made at a press conference on Monday at the Malaysian High Commission exclusively for the Malaysian media.

Local media representatives were earlier barred from attending the press conference. The visit itinerary didn’t state it was an exclusive affair (…) Borneo Bulletin on line

Were Malaysian media instructed to publish the way they did?

Does Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi desperately want the feeling good factor before he leaves the office?

I would consider this is a good question for our wakil rakyat to ask in parliament.

As a Sabahan whose family and relatives are also found in Brunei the talk on the subject wouldn’t just crop up over dinning table or kenduri, or would fade out as quickly as the passing smoke. Nonetheless, one thing we would likely to agree, this is political talk, nothing is straight but meanders and grey areas all over.

Of lately Malaysian politicians have been misleading and confusing rakyat over so many issues; the Prime Minister for instance, prone to deny even about his getting married when he did the next day. No rise of petrol price, but it rose by the middle of the night, creating havoc at all Malaysian petrol kiosks, and many more including the disappearance Balakhrisnan that until today no one and no authority wants to tell the truth.

I’m sure million of rakyat feel the same or perhaps some are getting immune by now. Others suggest the best is to leave it as it is. But I don’t share this view. If no one criticizes our leaders, they will forever take it for granted that we are all dummies, and they are our masters.

Next, it’s painful to start civilization all over again. Perhaps some can still remember John McEnroe, a former number one world tennis player whose famous expression in the 80s was, ‘You can’t be serious’?? For me, I can’t be not serious when it’s to do with our country.

Limbang is in the 5th Division of Sarawak, the size of 3,978 km with a population of about 40,000 annexed by James Brooke, Sarawak Rajah in 1890 by devious means.

To add to my interest, Limbang and Brunei are where Kadayan community mostly to be found.

Brooke cheated the Sultan by giving a false impression that all the chiefs represented the people in that area wanted to be under Rajah’s rule.

Brooke cleverly presented the Sultan with vague map, the Sultan who was not aware in most of the time about the size of area only to realise later that it bisected the nation into two. That’s Limbang.

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