Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why Brunei never Succeeds???

This is just a brief overview of the life in Brunei, and there are reasons why I think Brunei will not succeed economically and socially. Before reading, please bear in mind I'm not ungrateful, in fact I think Brunei is a great country but a lot of errant individuals holding positions have made the life of RAKYAT very difficult and almost unbearable.

If  Brunei wants good economics advisors &  managers, get the real ones, not make political appointees. Don't be afraid to seek help from good neighbours like EDB Singapore but get the professionals.

Brunei Goverment should invest in creating a new mindset for the public managers. They should have courses to instill patriotism, honor, truth, love for the land..etc. Also we should have capacitating courses for the betterment of our local executives. Beyond that, the top should be contented and stop grabbing more and more....the family feud is still ongoing, silently but ongoing and that has been like this since the mids 90s and we are stuck in the middle, pretendingthat all is fine...

And in the meant time, projects that could benifit the country and people get hijacked by the key people to line their own pockets.

And lousy projects are paid for at marked-up prices and be burdened to the country...

They get richer and we are content, we have house,  we don't pay tax, we drive black sedan and they laugh at us. They are truly wealthy.

Everytime you hear about Brunei, people talk about oil money, tax free country, free education, free medical, free this free that, big black V12s and jags and Aston Martins...but when one come to Brunei they will see most people driving Hyundais, Toyotas, Hondas and paying installments and waiting for promotions and free drinks coupons to claims during Hari Raya and borrow few hundreds now and then to make end meet.... hey, I thought we're a rich country?

Subsidies. no income tax, free education, etc. These goodies will not last forever. It is just a matter of time that we will need to impose income tax, remove subsidies, etc. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Yes, that why the country need to do a few things and do them quickly...
  • diversify - have been talking for ages!
  • build up the sovereign funds is BIA success rate, is it doing ok or just earning less than putting the money in the bank?
  • cut wastage and cut grandeur expenses
  • human capital and skill pool development (quickly decide the direction and provide the right skill development programs);
  • overhaul the civil services and make it proactive and efficient as engine of development and make it work with the private sector;
  • liberalize the private sector and encourage its development but not put dampners and impede its growth;
  • stop nepotism, stop having uncles and aunties and cousins and nephews in civil service hirings, hire on merits!
  • hire the pros, not the conSULTANs - even if they cost a little more because he produce a lot more and their contributions are immense!
  • trim the civil size, its fat and clumsy!
  • drop the subsidies slowly and stop the wastages and inefficiencies...
The mindset of our Gov, & leaders are absolutely wrong and directed towards incredibly short term. We are in the path to doom and not gloom. We could be beacon of light and hope in this corner but we're being led the other way. The people advising our leaders are crooks. That is the facts. We have British spies working inside our nation, along with US spies and S'pore spies and even Malaysian Spies. This is unacceptible!!! BIA sucks in term of results, standing very below average + they don't know what is the power of their name. They don't know how to capitalize on their "fame" from previous golden years. That is fantastic in terms of incompetence and lack of vision.

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