Friday, February 13, 2009

Discrimination at work

WHY some people write race and religious bashing in the Internet. Earlier I wrote among other reasons that Internet nowadays serves as conduit for them to express their frustration, thus Internet is a natural venue in this information technological era.

Frustration or hatred could be caused by other unknown reasons to us resulted by the uncaring attitude of our community leaders.

Our leaders are supposed to lead and to show good example but instead prone to showing off. This scene is tantamount as claimed by some quarters, the less privileged section of our society as discriminating and prejudicial in nature.

To illustrate an example, there was one incident of how discrimination and prejudice at works. Some months ago I was waiting for a friend to collect air tickets at one ticketing office in TOWN. I managed to find a parking space nicely just beside the office. Since my friend was a bit behind time and I didn’t think he could get a parking space by the time. I decided to wait for him out side the office, the idea was, and I could just give the ticket to him without him leaving the car.

A few minutes later, it must be around 10 o’clock in the morning, came LAW enforcement officers about FOUR of them in the grey uniform. They were all eyeing on those indiscriminate parking-wonder parking defaulters seem to be their only main target.

They came passing by where I was. There and then writing furiously on their prepared dockets for cars that parked not in the parking lots.

I watched them very closely.

There were many cars but mostly kancil, Cuore, motorbikes, and out of that, one expensive car with small plate number MERC..

To my surprise these LAW enforcement officers were not interest in this Merc, all cars here were given tickets (compound) except Merc, some of the cars owners were rushing like mad and pledged to the officers that they were just for a few minutes to send and pick something, but no avail.

I then approached these officers asking them, why they did not put the ticket on this MERC, when it parked not in the parking lot, just like those I pointed. They were embarrassed by my remark. One of them replied he would write a ticket. So I stood by next to him, because I wanted to see him writing. He didn’t. I asked this one guy again if he knew the owner of the car, and I wanted to know what so special about this owner. The five officers left, leaving this one guy to answer my question. He wanted to leave me but I made myself clear that I wanted to know the reason. He pretended to write but he noticed my eyes were on the paper he wrote. He asked me who I was. I answered that wasn’t very important.

He didn’t write, because I was not an important person to know the reason.

By the time my friend arrived. This officer rushed to join his other friends who were in front of one of the Hotel in town.

I actually know the owner of that Merc, but I wanted to know whether these people understand what justice is all about.

Is this not a kind of discrimination??

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