Monday, May 30, 2011

Tamat Family Get Together

Gambar kenang kenangan anak dan menantu Hj Tamat sewaktu Majlis Bertahlil bagi keluarga Haji Tamat bin Puasa pada 29hb May 2011 bertempat di rumah kediaman anak nya Hj Tusin bin Hj Tamat. Perhimpunan ini ada lah perhimpunan tahunan bagi keluarga ini bagi mengkekalkan tali silaturahim. Di anggarkan lebeh tiga ratus orang yang hadir pada hari itu terdiri dari Anak, Anak menantu, cucu cucu, cicit dan hingga sampai ka piut. Allahyarham mempunya sepuloh orang anak, 82 orang cucu, 236 cicit, 40+ piut.
Bergamber [Dari kiri: Hj Anik, (Menantu), Hjh Sara (Anak), Hjh Saidah (anak), Hjh Dudah (anak) Hjh Tiamah  (Menantu)].

Monday, May 23, 2011

Message to ALL youth. Our children deserve a better....

Message to ALL youth

Our children deserve a better nation that what is happening to it right now. We have evolved too much materialistically and have let the elite citizen be consumed and intoxicated by money in the process of maintaining power. MIB has lost its noble value.
This merdeka, are we celebrating a hidden catastrophe -- a malapetaka?
Youth of this Nation, you are a beacon of hope. Reflect, reanalyse and revolt. Reclaim your righteous minds, as the African-American actor Denzel Washington said to his students in the movie The Great Debaters. Transform the world inside and outside." You are the force of change in any society at any time. You must help the country find the final solution to the mess she is now in.

The hope for change lies in the middle class and in public education, and in you, youth leaders of social change. How do we teach ourselves to analyse propaganda, bias, half-truths, and recognise progressive forces, institutions and organisations of change and subsequently align with these forces? How do you use your music, arts, creativity, and technological prowess to affect changes and to help us craft a sincere merdeka; a merdeka not for the few to freely plunder the nation and rob the poor but a merdeka for the many to exercise their fundamental rights as citizens and their entitlement to basic human needs.
Youth of the Nation: reflect, reanalyze, reconstruct, and finally, revolt!