Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Brunei never Succeed!!!


Brunei will never succeed for the simple fact that our very top (our ruler) does not want the diversification of our economy.

Our ruling family has been inculcated in UK to control. For that, the economy must be within full control.

How does one achieve full control? Through absolute dependence. We depend on the government and its oil economy for everything.

If the economy gets diversified, meaning, we citizens breakaway of the oil dependent economy, we have a huge leverage because we would suddenly don't require the government hand outs. We would therefore, question, freely, some government policies.

That questioning would be met by a mute master and than you have it: trouble, questioning…

Whenever there is economic advancement that is not provided by the government, meaning, no hand outs; we become our own masters, therefore we tend to question things such as: why does that minister or ruler has two helicopters and 10 jets and I can't have mine?

Why is it that he can drive around without license plates and I am forced to have one?

Why is it that his family controls all the good businesses and I am stuck in the kampong? Why can't I import my car without duties as he can?

Those are the questions that would soon arise if we are empowered by diversification and therefore wealth without Government intervention.

The fear is to loose control.

Unfortunately, although good souls, the rulers were instilled with the fear of loosing the pie. We are used to getting the small pieces that fall from the pie because the pie is controlled by the rulers.

Now the real question: does the ruler really control the pie? Or is it another outside force (i.e. Royal Dutch Shell - Q.E. and Q. Beatrix) that controls him, who controls us?

If he was not so worried about loosing control, he could really face the masters and give them the middle finger and grant us absolute control of our nation's future.

While that doesn't happen, we are stuck in "surviving" paycheck by paycheck and they get the illusion its all fine and will stay all fine forever.

But really, will it?

I don't see it that way and I pit our young and their future generations because they might be swallowed by radical change. Things could be different if the change started from the top down, truly and not just for headlines.

We've been waiting for diversification for 2 decades or more but actually, No Action, Talk Only (NATO country )

Now this shows a myopic side of our government which thinks oil and its related economy will last forever…

The will to change is not there.

There is only fear of loosing control, loosing the pie...

Look around, fear has been growing exponentially and without any reason. Look and the motorcade nowadays, even ambulance following. As if there were imminent threats or real danger in meeting the rakiat. This is also part of a broader agenda by the ones selling the security services and making tons of money every month

Observe 2

Observe1,I don't fully agree with your analysis. My opinion is that our heads of the nation really wants diversification. They all know that the oil will not last forever. So it is imperative that a solution to replace the oil economy be found.


Observe2, I respect your point of view but its hard to defend it. Our country is very small and in actual fact has an owner. Our leader does not want change or diversification, otherwise it would have already happened. Come on, 350,000 subjects in such a small place, one single owner things can't get resolved? No way...


The way I look at it, I agree to part of Observe1's observation and also the other forumers. Sometimes I sit down and wonder too, why certain things are so easy to solve yet remain a perpetual problem like making RBA efficient and profitable? Why keep changing CEO every few years and BoD members every now and then? I still dunno the answers sometimes.

Or the BIA for that matter, why can't just revampt the organisation and appoint real fund managers (even if they are foreigners) and run it properly?
Sometimes I wonder too...